Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Cody's Birthday

Yesterday was Cody's 27th birthday.  The morning started off with Cody's favorite ritual - sitting on the couch together drinking coffee and chatting while Baileigh played with her toys on the floor.  We had to run a few errands during the day, came home and took a nap (which is essential now if we are going to be doing something later, since we are always lacking in the sleep department!), and got the house ready for our family to come over for pizza and cake.  We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day.  We all sat outside and chatted while our four nephews ran around like the crazy boys that they are!  All in all, it was a great day, and Cody thoroughly enjoyed his first birthday celebration as a dad!!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Three Months

I can hardly believe the little munchkin is 3 months old.  She is getting bigger and getting more personality everyday.  She started laughing about a week ago, but it is still hard to get a good laugh out of her.  We try all the time though!  I'm sure she's sick of our attempts.  At her last checkup (a week ago) she weighed in at 12 pounds even.  Here's a few pics from the past month:

Baileigh's first Easter

This is her "Get that camera out of my face, Mommy" - look

Taking a good long nap with Daddy.

This is her everyday look - both fingers in the mouth!